Monday of Holy Week

Holy Week Reflections 2021

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On Monday of Holy Week, Jesus comes into the temple and overturns the tables of the money changers and sends out those who are selling doves. Why? Because they had turned God’s House, which was meant to be a house of prayer into a den of robbers. They turned what meant to be holy into the unholy. They exchanged the glory of God for the glory of man. Simply put, they robbed from God, taking from God that which was rightly his.

How have you robbed from God? How have you turned God’s church into something it was never meant to be? In what way(s) have you dismissed the holiness of God and exchanged it for the glory of man?

God’s Church is holy because God’s presence makes it holy. On this Monday of Holy Week, I encourage you to ponder the ways in which you have dismissed the glory and the holiness of God in your life. Think about how you have exchanged the holiness of God for the glory of man. Ponder how you have robbed from God, taking from God that which is rightly his.

Confess your sins, repent of your grievous ways, and turn back to the loving embrace of Jesus who leads you by his still small voice and forgives you all your sins.

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