Palm Sunday

Holy Week Reflections 2021

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Oftentimes, we seek a relationship with someone to get something from them. We want what we want and will do anything to get it. The sad truth is, we do the same in our relationship with God. Instead of coming to Jesus with an abandoned heart that seeks to know him more, we come to him only when we want something from him.

We seek God only when we have a major decision to make. We pray to God when we want God to bless what we’ve already decided to do. We cry out to God only when we’ve exhausted all other options and there’s no other place to turn.

The crowd on that first Palm Sunday did the same. They wanted Jesus to do for them what they wanted him to do for them, namely, to save them from their current Roman persecution and oppression. They tried to make Jesus into somebody who he was not: a political king rather than a heavenly, eternal King.

Don’t turn Jesus into somebody who he’s not. He’s not a political king; he’s your heavenly King whose sovereignty and grace has all things in his hands.

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Monday of Holy Week


Broken But Made Whole