Wednesday of Holy Week

Holy Week Reflections 2021

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On Wednesday of Holy Week, Judas Iscariot agrees to betray Jesus. Being accustomed to handling money unfaithfully, it didn’t take much to bribe Judas to hand Jesus over to the chief priests. As keeper of the money bag, Judas had a negative track record for how he handled the money in the temple (c.f. John 12:6).

For only thirty pieces of silver, Judas agrees to betray Jesus. Wow. As we know from the account of Judas’ life, this leads him to come to his senses of what he had done and to hang himself. What a tragic story and ending for Judas. It doesn’t have to be so with you.

Have you betrayed Jesus? What agreement have you made to kiss the Son of Man on the cheek, crucifying Jesus all over again? How have you been unfaithful with that which has been entrusted to you? Turn from your rebellion and fall on your knees in confession to Jesus, and his mercy will carry you home from there.

Learn from the example of Judas: nothing is worth sacrificing your life and eternal status for something so temporal and finite.

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