Good Friday

Holy Week Reflections 2021

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On Friday of Holy Week, Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried in a tomb. At the moment of Jesus’ death, the temple veil was torn in two and darkness came over all the land. From the outward appearance, it looked as if evil had won that day. And for the time being, it felt as if the devil had come out on top. 

Experiencing darkness is part and parcel of living life in this fallen and broken world. From the recent mass shootings in Boulder, Colorado and Atlanta, Georgia, where many innocent lives were murdered, we are left to wonder if darkness has overcome any sense of well being and civility among us. Darkness leaves us hopeless and void of any sense of peace for a brighter tomorrow. It may seem as if darkness is winning, but wait…

When darkness comes on the attack, wait for God to act. When the evil one arrives knocking on your door, wait for God to speak. And when the ruthless deeds of men take away the innocence of those among us, wait for God to redeem and to make all things right. For God and God alone is the eternal judge before whom every knee will bow in heaven and on earth (c.f. Philippians 2:9-11), and the One to whom every person will give an account (c.f. Romans 14:12). 

The world in which we live is not the world God intended it to be. So wait. Wait for God and he will act.

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