Easter Sunday

Holy Week Reflections 2021

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Happy Easter! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!

On this day, Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil and rose from the dead. Early in the morning when the women went to anoint Jesus’ body with spices, they found the tomb empty. Jesus was not there. The only things that remained were his linen clothes, neatly folded like a cloth napkin for an elegant dinner. 

Here’s the truth: because Jesus is alive, you are alive, too! And this is good news! No matter what happens to you, the power of God will work through you. Turning to Jesus in faith will guarantee that God will redeem your life from the grip of Satan and release you to serve him in faithfulness and joy. 

On this Easter Resurrection Sunday, rejoice that Jesus is alive! And never forget: because Jesus is alive, you are alive, too! Thanks be to God!

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